For those of you who haven't heard of Manuka honey before, please let me introduce you to the powers of this wondrous pot of gold syrup.
Manuka honey originates from New Zealand, and is made from the native Leptospermum Scoparium or 'Manuka' shrub. The beekeepers set up their hives in wild, uncultivated areas where the Manuka bushes grow. The bees gather nectar from the flowers of the Manuka bush, and the honey making process is enriched by the pollution free environment for New Zealand, making it the purest honey available in the supermarket.
Honey protects against damage caused by bacteria and also stimulates production of cells that repair tissue damaged by infection.
Its healing powers don't stop there; Manuka honey also has an anti-inflammatory effect that can quickly reduce pain and inflammation once applied, which is why it's so often used for treating minor wounds and burns.
This is in part down to the hydrogen peroxide component found in natural honey, which gives most honey its antibiotic quality. But Manuka honey goes that one step further in terms of its antibacterial qualities.
Its special quality is known as UMF and the higher the UMF, the more potent the honey and its powers (a UMF of 10+ is necessary for the honey to be properly effective).
The major antibacterial component in manuka honey is methylglyoxal (MG). MG is a compound found in most types of honey, but usually only in small quantities. MG comes from the conversion of another compound - dihydroxyacetone - that is found in high concentration in the nectar of manuka flowers. It gives manuka honey its antibacterial power; the higher the concentration of MG, the stronger the antibacterial effect.
For anyone else suffering from the Winter lurgy and looking for a natural remedy, I'd recommend investing in Manuka. While it's slightly pricey, it's most definitely a worthy purchase - and, like with most health foods, you get what you pay for.
Processed, sugary honeys just don't cut it in comparison, and while the unique taste of manuka can be off-putting at first, the time period between this stage and the addiction stage is extremely short (beware!).
I can't get enough of the stuff - I've been using it in my tea (camomile with lemon juice and honey is an amazing combination!) for the past few days, and it's definitely had a positive effect on what was initially a very sore throat (now almost fully healed). I've also felt some improvements in my digestive system, which could also be another effect in conjunction with the steady flow of spoonfuls I've been feeding myself (being ill isn't quite as bad as I remember).
You can find Manuka in your nearest health-food shop (Boots and Holland & Barratts stock it). Watch out for the frequent H&B deals - they're often running BOGOFs and BOGO-for a penny, all the better to wait for before stocking up on your health cupboard essentials.
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