Browsing through the many Fitspo blogs on Tumblr, I came across this little Core Challenge workout and decided to head to the carpet and give it a good old go!
And it lived up to its name; by incorporating various core exercises, it challenges your abs almost to breaking point! However, I'm not a big fan of crunches as I think there are plenty of other better exercises that work the core muscles even harder. I swapped the last set of crunches for jack knives (being my all-time favourite core exercise).
This routine lasts around 16 minutes and is a good kick-starter for a quickie morning workout. It can be followed up nicely by its leggy counterpart - Cassey's Call Me Maybe squat challenge, perhaps? (being one of my favourite videos for a short'n'sweet workout quick-fix).
I think these simple image-based workouts are really inspiring and motivating. I particularly like the board game element to this one (as ridiculous as that may well sound)! The GIFs that put me off are those that are too complicated to follow, with tiny pictures of the exercises, making the routine impossible to follow. Simplicity is the key to Fitspo GIFs!
If you have any favourite exercise GIFs, feel free to share! I'm quite liking the idea of making my own at some point in the near future. Yay or nay?
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