Taking notes and inspiration from a recent Prima magazine supplement, I made this little collage of nuts to get to grips with how the calorie count in various nuts compare.
It's a given that portion control is vital when it comes to choosing nuts as your go-to snack du jour. While they are loaded with unsaturated fats (i.e. the good, friendly to the waistline kind) - along with fibre, B vitamins, antioxidants and potassium - a 100g serving will stack you back around 600-700 calories!
To reap the benefits of nutty goodness without running the risk of over-indulging, stick to the GIF above to monitor those seemingly innocent calories you're consuming.
Prima suggests choosing nuts in their shell, as you're much more likely to eat fewer than if you nibble on their shelled counterpart. Not only that, but prizing open your nuts seems to attach a kind of winning appeal to the munching occasion!
...Or does that just apply to me? Please, someone reassure me of my sanity.
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