Though I hate to admit it, my "exercise face" is probably the truest of all my aesthetic 'faces' (not to sound two/multi-faceted or anything), as it's apparently one of the very few times whereby it seems semi-acceptable to leave the house with just a mere smidgen of make up, if anything at all.
I tend to use tinted moisturiser and concealer compulsively, but for exercise purposes I'm able to forgo the deed without feeling too worried about unleashing my 'bare' face. After all, it seems pretty pointless to apply any more products when the resulting factor is likely to be seriously unsightly, sweat-induced smudging. Not so attractive.
Observing other women in the gym, or in exercise classes back in my Uni days, I've noticed that most also sported a rather pared-down look - probably for the same reasons as myself - though some still wore (what is likely to be) their usual amount of make-up, upkeeping their usual, routinely identities.
Perhaps such lady-likes had already been to university or likewise in that morning, but otherwise I find it slightly baffling that women would bother to take the time to apply a full-face of make-up, only to sweat it off half an hour after application, subsequently having to wash it off post-workout, and then start all over again (Phew. That was an exhausting sentence).
What is your take on wearing make-up to the gym/exercise classes? Do you go for an au-naturel/pared-down/full-face look, and why? Do you judge women who wear a full-face of make-up during exercise, or vice versa?
*This post was taken and updated from a blog post that I wrote a good 8 months ago, alongside writing my dissertation that was based upon compulsive beauty rituals - might seem a bit disjointed amongst my previous posts, but such is my life!
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