Hey! Welcome to my blog. My name is Katie, I'm twenty-two years old and a recent graduate of journalism (fashion, to be precise). Until recently, I haven't really known what to do with my life/future. However, in the past couple of years I've rekindled my love and passion for sport and fitness, and have a newly-found affinity for nutrition and health/wellness, which is leading me towards the idea that perhaps the weird/wonderful world of health/fitness is where I'm supposed to leave my mark! I love writing this blog and particularly enjoy finding and recreating crazy recipes involved all kinds of secret healthy ingredients, and I hope you enjoy it equally so.
I tend to run around 3 times a week, plus I like to include 2 sessions of weight/resistant training into my weekly workout load. I'm not currently a member of any gym, as myself and my boyfriend invested in a home-gym last year consisting of plenty of weights (far more than I myself need, but an adequate amount for him!), squat bar, bench with leg press, pull up bar, and some other features that I don't bother to use! I have a love-hate relationship with squats (i.e. hate doing them but then love the feeling afterwards! You just know the after-effect is so worthwhile), and the same for interval training! It's a toughie, but a goodie. Nothing in life comes easy!
I'm training for an upcoming half marathon (my first!) in September, but other than that I have no particular goals fitness-wise (other than for my body to resemble Andreia Brazier's as much as possible! She has an incredibly strong and admirable body shape - seriously ripped but still feminine).
I follow a semi-flexible gluten-free diet (I choose gluten free as much as possible and avoid bread/pasta at all costs, but I'm not overly strict in following gluten-free), and my staple diet consists primarily of oats, salmon, fruit (bananas, apples, berries, sultanas/raisins, blueberries), veg (peas, sweetcorn, broccoli, or whatever we have in the house!), carrot juice, brown rice, M&S 2 for £3 salad pots for convenience whilst I'm working, chicken, almond milk and normal semi-skimmed (in moderation), tea/coffee, unsweetened greek yoghurt, cottage cheese (0% fat), 90% dark chocolate, manuka honey, eggs, peanut butter, nuts and seeds (brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds) and the occasional protein shake (I don't have my own protein as I prefer to steal from my boyfriend!).
As a rule of thumb, I avoid anything processed and anything overloaded with sugar/additives/chemicals. I avoid most things that come premade out of a packet, because they're inevitably the culprits that have a load of hidden ingredients that I simply do not want to put into my body. Since cutting out the processed junk, sugar and refined white carbs, I've lost around 10kg, and my digestive system is so, so much better than it was before. However, I know my body is still intolerant to something as I'm consistently suffering from a bloated and sometimes painful stomach; I don't know exactly what that something is yet, but I hope to find out eventually. Potentially dairy, or perhaps I need to transition to gluten-free oats for breakfast. Alternatively, I know a lot of people have had success stories with following a completely grain-free diet, though I'm not sure if I'm quite ready for that sort of elimination yet!
Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy my blog. Please drop me a comment sometime, I'd love to hear from you and to read your own blog in return!
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