A fundamentally irrelevant and unrelatable picture of a mojito - just because I like Mojito's.
After spending a few pointless minutes deliberating over a suitable title for this post, my mind was hopelessly led to a song title, a cliched blogger's fall-back for the more awkward posts that simply cannot be summed up in a matter of a few words. So, I've chosen a suitably awkward title to match - go me.
For those who have any recollection of the song of choice, it might conjure some vague memories of a very strange, liquidized
music video (linked for your viewing pleasure) and some very risqué lyrics that were not so risqué at the time - considering I was barely into my second digits and didn't have any kind of inkling of what a 'liquid dream' could possible be, anyway. How nice it must be to be young and innocent, hey?
Getting back on track, I wanted to discuss what you should be drinking, day-to-day, and when, taking various factors into consideration.
Let's start with the most fundamental liquid choice of all - I'm talking
water, of course. Anyone with half a brain knows the importance of drinking enough water, but perhaps the benefits are less well known.
Water is the best drink option in times of, 1) Fatigue/tiredness, 2) Relentless headaches, and 3) Severe grumpiness. Basically, dehydration by more than 1% can easily result in a decreased mood, poor concentration and headaches. Water is also the best option for weight-watchers, dieters, and exercisers alike (for simple reasons - replacing fluids lost through those sweat-inducing work-outs that we all know and love).
There's always going to be mixed opinions on whether or not
tea - or any source of caffeine, for that matter - is going to have a good effect on your health. Of course, overloading on caffeine is not the best of choices, but in moderation, it's proven to be a winner in terms of its mood-enhancing qualities.
With half the amount of caffeine stored in the average cup of coffee, tea can be useful for its stomach neutralising properties, given that some kinds can support the digestive system by detoxification. Look out for Oolong tea, or Earl Grey with bergamont and ginger for an effective and completely natural digestive remedy. Equally as great, studies have shown that women who drank 4+ cups of coffee a day have a lower risk of endometrial cancer, and are less likely to have depressive symptoms.
Juice - best drank in its purest, fibre-dense form (100% fruit juice, not from concentrate) for simple relief from constipation (prune is best in this unfortunate case) and urine infections (for which cranberry juice is the ultimate winner).
milk is sometimes tagged with bad connotations for the average dieter, it's actually a great source for your daily dairy, protein and calcium requirements. Perhaps go for the skimmed option if you're watching your waistline, or look for alternatives such as almond milk in your supermarket - the latter being my current milk preference. Half the calories, half the fat, with still a good amount of protein and calcium (however, not as much as normal cow's milk, but that's understandable...as it doesn't come from a cow. Obviously).
Finishing this post on a high,
smoothies are the perfect and most delicious choice when it comes down to those dreaded hectic days where the chance of a break is very slight. I know those days all too well, working in hospitality (eye roll). But let's forgo the commercial, supermarket kind - whizz up your own!
The ideal smoothie contains lots of veg/fresh fruit, a water-to-milk ratio of three parts water to one part milk/almond milk (or otherwise), protein-rich seeds, nuts, or ground oats for a suitable carb fix, as well as peanut butter (if desired), and/or a scoop of protein powder. You get the picture, and really, however you decide to make it, the chances are that it'll result in smoothie glory. It's pretty difficult to make a bad smoothie - hats off to you if you do manage it!
What's your preferred smoothie combination? Can you relate to anything I've mentioned in this post? Do you know of any other drinks that can help relieve us from our daily woes?
This post was written with a lot of information from Livestrong - you can read the full article