Life lately has been a bit of a whirlwind of work, work... and yep, more work. With that said, summoning as much pleasure as possible from the little things has become all the more befitting for a lifestyle that reigns very little free time for myself. These such things never cease to disappoint when I'm looking for a quickie pick-me-up. Yes, these may very well be inanimate objects; even so, they remain the objects of my desires. Who needs humans anyway?
One: Wagamama's salads and fresh juices
So as of a couple of months ago, Wagamama is my favourite place ever to eat out. If you're looking for fresh food that's been prepared with much love and grace, and that remains on the right side of affordable, then Wagamama is the place to be. I'm hooked on their salads - I've tried all but one, in fact. On my last visit I went for the bean and glass noodle salad, which was just exquisite as far as salads go! And even if you don't like Japanese food per-say, you're bound to find something on the vast menu - even if it's just a carrot and ginger juice (my precious!). Just uh-mazing, serious.
Two: Giant tubs of 100% Peanut Butter (Meridian)
So yeah...this is a no-brainer. I can't believe I went for so long buying ridiculous 454g jars of Whole Earth peanut butter for £3.19 a pop (73p/100g), when there's the option to buy two 1kg tubs from Holland & Barrett for just £8.23 (on the buy one get one half price deal - that works out at 41p/100g). Who was I even kidding?! The PB in those baby-sized jars literally just evaporated, what with my boyfriend's love (not to mention my own) of consuming peanut butter by the tablespoon (multiple times a day). It must've been at least 3 weeks since purchasing these and we're still not even into our second tub! Bulk-buying is best, full stop. Plus this stuff is made from 100% peanuts, pure and simples. I believe Whole Earth's peanut content is around the 97% marker, and many other supermarket bought jars are as little as 68% cough-Tesco low fat peanut butter-cough (THIS IS JUST CRIMINAL, by the way! Low fat peanut butter?! The whole point of it is that it contains good fats! Not to mention the fact that they've added dried glucose syrup in place of this 'evil' fat. Honestly, whut thu fug is that all about?)
Three: Sparkling water (with a drop of lemon juice or other natural sweetener)
Gone are the days where I'm a prisoner of various flavoured squash drinks (usually Robinsons), and in are the days whereby sparkling water is my favourite thirst-quencher. Basically, up until very recently I was physically unable to drink just plain water. For my entire life, I've survived on drinking squash (sugar free, but certainly not aspartame free. And who knows what else) or flavoured water of any kind. Never just water alone! God forbid! (guys, I hate my former self). So yeah...sparkling water is just perfect for me as it feels like a treat - the bubbles certainly play a part in this psychological confusion - it's sugar free, and basically glorified water. I recall the school days of drinking Lucosade and Volvic flavoured waters on a day-to-day basis; my uni days also entailed almost daily cans of diet coke (I'll say for now that these really helped me get through laborious days and nights of sitting in front of a computer screen...but you probably won't believe me. Safe to say I no longer even believe myself). With a squeeze of fresh lemon, this is refreshment like no other. Best served chilled on a hot summer's day (which England is unlikely to see any time soon. Ugh this sorry excuse for a country).
And there we have it...three of my current edible/drinkable preferences. Doubtlessly there are plenty more I could add to the list, but that would make for pretty tedious reading. What are some of your favourite food or beverage choices du jour? Anyone else a Wagamama minion?! Hoping to make some sort of banana bread today - I've pinned a load of similar recipes onto my Pinterest board, so I need to filter through them and get my bake on today - seeing as it's my only day off this week! Gotta make the most of it! Have a great week all :).
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