So this I have aptly named my 'veggie pizza omelette' recipe. The nifty inclusion of oregano (recently appointed Favourite Herb Ever, by me) tricks you into thinking you're eating pizza - when actually, you're basically eating glorified eggs and veg, all mashed up together (not literally).
This is a suitable recipe for a) Lazy girls, and even more so for b) Lazy girls who've just been for a killer run and want some nosh quick-sharpish (a run in the rain, I hasten to add). Doesn't it look appealing? Well, let me tell you: it was.
Eggs are pretty cool, and especially so for runners; full with the nutrient choline (one large egg has 30% of your daily value, mostly in the yolk), they help to keep the joints free from inflammation. They're also packed with vitamin D, vitamins A and E, and are a great source of iron (iron creates haemoglobin, which transports oxygen to your muscles), zinc, and protein, containing all 9 essential amino acids (making them the most 'complete' source of protein available, knocking the chicken's pride for six. Oh wait...without the chicken we wouldn't have the egg in the first place. My bad).
Simply chop up your preferred choices of veg (I used mini sweetcorn cobs, mini tomatoes, plus frozen peas and sweetcorn and one boiled potato - however, feel free to jazz up your omelette in any which way you deem suitable! Spring onions, cucumber, broccoli, peppers...hey, anything goes. Go crazy!) and heat a tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil on a frying pan over high-heat. Add your frozen veg first to allow them to soften slightly before chucking the rest in. Meanwhile, whisk your eggs (I used 3 large free-range eggs) and add to the pan after a few minutes, spreading the mixture evenly across the veg.
Add salt and pepper (plenty of black pepper, in my case) and herbs de preference - oregano, if you want to experience and taste that sososweet scent nostalgic of Italian pizzeria's (not that I've ever even been to a proper Italia pizzeria. But I can use my imagination in this case). Allow to cook for a few minutes before placing your pan onto a heated grill to cook the omelette from above. Your omelette should be good to go and smash down the oesophagus in a matter of minutes. The ultimate 10 minute meal for runners, or any athlete/human being; you gotta give credit to the humble egg/chicken.
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