
Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Recommended Reading


This post on (a favourite for providing non-bullshit news based on facts and proven studies) pretty much sums up how I feel about weight-loss strategies - mainly, how to go about losing weight successfully, without needing to go down the route of 'miracle' slimming pills, starvation, malnourishment, eating disorders, etc.

I really believe in the power of 'mind over matter' - eating right is hugely psychological, just as exercise is. You need to push past what you consider your 'boundaries' in order to achieve the results you want to see - as your boundaries are basically non-existent, anyway!

Everything that Mark Adams says in this article is so, so fundamental and applicable to everyone attempting to lead a healthier, happier lifestyle. In fact, the whole website is dedicated to articles like these, which is why I love it so much. It's my go-to for research purposes as it's just full of wonderful, reliable information that you wouldn't find elsewhere (particularly in print).

Over the past few months it's really hit me how much our government and media/marketing 'Giant' brands control and dictate to us what's good/bad for us, without actually providing us with any of the crucial background details - i.e., why these kinds of foods are good for us, what it provides our body with, and how it is utilised within our dietary systems. We are mere puppets beneath their powerful grasp - but only if we choose to be.

Ultimately, the best way we can control our own destiny and our future health is by following the most natural diet as possible - to choose wholly natural, healthy, nutrient-rich food that also tastes great over those laden with fat and sugar. Simple as that. But definitely read the article as recommended before - he sums it up a lot better than I have!

PS. The photo is from a book I was gifted at Christmas, 'Information is Beautiful' by David McCandless. If you're into infographics and like looking at pretty layouts/design (like myself) it's an absolute coffee table must-have.

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