Let me say this from the beginning: these are a melt-in-the-mouth delight. And, from the perspective of a cooking phobe, they are so easy to make - just one mashed banana, an egg, a pinch of baking powder, plus a dollop of peanut butter (optional, but obv the best kind of option you could make at this point in time) and any other kind of sweetener/thickener you're craving. For me, that came in the form of my new obsession - ground cinnamon. I added about a teaspoon (most likely heaped - my measuring sensors are somewhat warped when it comes to my common kitchen faves).
As instructed by Megan, I went for the baking option over frying, as I've tried the one banana + one egg pancake in a pan before to not much avail... (cue severely broken/shredded 'pancake'). My baking tray only allowed room for two medium-sized pancakes - so in they jolly well went - 15 minutes at 400c/gas mark 6, cooked until sumptuously golden brown upon parchment paper lightly greased with coconut oil.
It's fair to say that I demolished these in a matter of minutes - clearly I couldn't even manage the patience of photographing them in all their glory prior to demolition, leaving the above pictures taken with a couple of bites to spare. Naturally, I glistened mine with honey for that all-important added punch of sweetness. I love the simplicity of these pancakes, so for me these are going straight on to my list of go-to snacks in times of attack from the hungry belly monster.
Next time, I'll probably go double/triple portion size and feed more than just the one hungry belly. Sharing is caring, after all. How would you adapt this simple flourless pancake recipe? Would you sub another natural sweetener/thickener for the banana? Let me know! I'm about to tuck into a delicious meal of honey-glazed gammon ham with plenty of veggies on the side - my Mum's home-cooking is the best - how am I ever supposed to compare?!
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