I find that running is the kind of exercise that just oh-so-inevitably succumbs to problems of every kind. I think every runner can resonate with me on this one (though whether others get as irritated as I do by such issues is another discussion. I guess I'm just a really grumpy runner). It's true - running can either bring out the best or the worst in me, though as a general rule of thumb I do tend to end every run on a high (granted, usually because it's finally over). Either way, here is my list of Top 10 Runners Problems!
1: Ill-fitting earphones that JUST KEEP FALLING OUT of your ears (this is the first on the list for a bloody good reason)
2: Clothing that refuses to co-operate and that you have to keep tugging back in place. Cue too-short jackets with elasticated waistbands and wedgy-inducing leggings (I do not own a pair of the latter, but I can imagine they also feature highly on the top list of most annoying running clothing)
3: Putting your iPod on shuffle, only to have to skip every other song because shuffle just INSISTS that Adele is the most suitable person to listen to (no offence to Adele's music, but it's not exactly the type of get-up-and-go music that is required for a decent run)
4: Losing the sensation in your extremities, thus making it highly uncomfortable to run and just making you wish you were back in your central-heated house already. Damn you, circulation
5: This one goes out to all of those who prefer running in the countryside as opposed to the mean streetz - fearing for your life every time you have to cross a herd of cows/bulls and having to stop your run just to walk past them (they're less likely to attack if you're just casually perusing past and not breathing heavily or sweating profusely...right?)
6: Relates to Problem 4 - coming into a warm, cosy house after your run only to be greeted by a horrific tingling/burning sensation in your hands/feet, as a result of the extreme change of temperature. Again: I really hate you, circulation
7: TRUCK/VAN BEEPERS. Every. Single. Time. Whoever does this, please stop, because you truly suck
8: Forgetting to check the time before leaving, and not wearing a watch, thus having no knowledge on how well or how shit you've done...though sometimes I guess it's the best option to be none-the-wiser. Only applies to the uncommitted runner, because I'm sure every 'proper' runner owns a decent timer watch/the iPod Fuel band that I oh-so crave
9: Feeling completely fine in terms of your breathing/strength/general ability to run, except for the killer stomach ache/stitch/sicky feeling that made an appearance 5 minutes in. I often suffer with a poorly stomach during my runs, which just makes it physically impossible to continue :( Something to do with my bowels, I think (probably didn't need to mention that one...)
10: Having to stop and re-lace your trainers, because you're a right plank and didn't do them up properly in the first place. The double knot is vital!
So there you have it. Some silly yet massively annoying factors that can shatter any possibility of a decent run, a post inspired by my run yesterday, whereby I was inundated by problem after problem (many of which I've listed - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 9, to be precise!). Do you have anything else you could add to my list of running woes? Get involved! It's fun to be an irrationally grumpy runner, honest ;).
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