Whenever I'm feeling slightly down in the dumps (or on my period - usually the two inevitably correspond), I like to perk myself up by treating myself to something decadent in Tesco. Today, this came in the form of 90% cocoa by Lindt (yes, yes - I know. Swoon).
I've been meaning to check out the chocolate aisle for a while, just to see what exactly is available in terms of pure, dark chocolate. The answer being: not a lot. This bar was the highest percentage on offer, and there were a few other brand alternatives that fitted in the 70-80% cocoa category.
Alas, this was the best option for me: the cleanest edible chocolate available in the entire stock of Tesco. I had a nibble as soon as I got home; the taste automatically clarified that I'd made the best decision by purchasing this wholly luxurious treat. (however, I must note: just found this 99% cocoa version also by Lindt on Amazon!)
And of course - you know what's up. The pictures say it all, really. My immediate response was to grate half a square onto my classic concoction of cottage cheese, yoghurt and blueberries (which I can confirm upped the taste-factor by tenfold). Amazing!
If you're looking for a great tasting dark chocolate bar as a stand-by for those pesky chocolate/sweet cravings, I'd definitely recommend you go for Lindt. Just one square is enough in terms of satisfying an unruly sweet tooth (one square being just 54 calories, 0.7g sugar, fat...); unlike some dark chocolate, it's not bitter, and has underlying hints of vanilla making for a slightly creamy and enriching taste. It's also affordable at less than £2 per 100g bar.
Cocoa, like tea, is full of powerful antioxidants called flavonoids, which appear to have positive cardiovascular effects, strengthen the immune system, lead to lower cholesterol/blood pressure and improve the function of blood vessels. Cocoa is also a great source of magnesium (a fundamental mineral that 80% of us lack), providing 327mg per 100g (that's 82% of your daily value,so one little square is 8.2% - almost as much as spinach in mg per gram!). Insane, huh?
Not to mention it's low GI quality - it's deceivingly low sugar content means that just a little is enough to hit the spot, keeping your blood sugars level (much unlike any other addictive chocolate varieties! How many times have you attempted and failed to NOT to finish a bar of Galaxy in one sitting?! I digress).
Happy eating for a happy Sunday! ♥
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