I've always had a bit of an underlying love for ginger (please note, I am referring to the spice, not particularly the hair colour or any person associated with such hair colour...though a huge crush on Robert Kazinsky definitely did happen in my teenage years. I clearly remember my state of devastation when he left Eastenders, not to sound overly hopeless/pathetic or anything).
I remember ye olde days of ginger-ale guzzling in my grandparent's bungalow; having recently rekindled my love for ginger-fied drinks (non alcoholic ginger beer being favoured above ginger ale), it's really brought to light how taste can so easily be associated with forgotten memories, the surprising pangs of nostalgia being introduced with every sip (and with that said, this homemade version of my childhood favourite is definitely on the cards this summer).
And my ginger love affair doesn't stop there. My inclination towards the humble ginger spice has inevitably lead me on to researching baking recipes based around the ingredient. I've yet to extend my adventures of ginger towards purchasing actual chunks of ginger, but I thought simple ground ginger would be a good place to start (alongside the fact I already had some stashed away in the kitchen cupboards - seemingly untouched, too).
The original plan was to make this gingerbread protein fudge. However, today all I really wanted was something similarly nostalgic to ginger beer, and ultimately something comforting, tasty and...satisfying. Introducing my super healthy recipe for ginger cookies...they know whatsup.
50g coconut flour
Pinch salt
1 teaspoon bicarb of soda
1.5 tablespoons coconut oil
1 tablespoon agave nectar
1 teaspoon manuka honey
6 tablespoons milk of choice
1 tablespoon kefir/buttermilk
1 whole egg plus 1 egg white
2 teaspoons ground ginger spice
Optional additions: ground cinnamon, crushed nuts/dried fruit of choice (as a filler), or vanilla paste (1/2 teaspoon)
Sieve the coconut flour and then add the bicarbonate of soda, salt and ginger spice. Add wet ingredients, one by one, until the dough is mixed thoroughly. Form into balls (I made 11 medium-sized cookies with my dough) and place on a lined, greased baking tray. Squash the balls down (so that they resemble something along the lines of cookies) and place in your oven, pre-heated to 180C (gas mark 4) for around 20-30 minutes. Remove from heat when they've reached a golden-brown exterior, and leave to cool on a wire rack.
And there we have it. Unintentionally, while I've called these ginger cookies, I have to say that they have the texture of a cake! So, y'know, I just managed to create a cookie-cake hybrid without prior knowledge...you can just imagine how impressed I am with myself now, haha...
In other, completely non-baking related news, I have a new job!!! I'm now an assistant in the Foreign Exchange Bureau department at Marks & Spencer, and I am so, so pleased to finally have a new job whereby I hope I can acquire lots of fresh skills and confidence in something other than...well, carrying really heavy trays of (very expensive) food. Lolza.
At 53.6 calories a pop, these aren't bad at all. Hell, I'd go as far as saying the complete opposite...not to blow my own trump, or anything...though isn't that what blogging's all about?! Aha (ALSO, those fussy, nitty gritty calculations: 2g protein per cookie, 3.1g fat [2.4g saturated, but don't sweat it - it's the medium-chain kind, so it's all good for ya basically], 4g carbs, of which 3g sugars).
Long Live Ginger! (And Robert Kazinsky...who is probably more yum than a world's worth of these ginger cookies...even so, give this recipe a whirl if you're similarly ginger-inclined).